Volunteer Servants

Solutions Health & Pregnancy Center is a challenging ministry with beautiful rewards. As the body of Christ, our volunteers work together to serve young women and men amid a profound crisis. There is an ongoing need for servants in a wide range of areas.

Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Matthew 20:28 (NIV)

Please prayerfully consider how the Lord is calling you to help in one of the following capacities.

If interested in more information about volunteer opportunities, email our Center Manager at centermanager@solutionsphc.com

  • Prayer Partners

    Members of our prayer ministry receive a monthly e-prayer newsletter to help pray specifically for our clients and overall ministry needs.

  • Medical Staff

    Physicians provide GYN examinations, STD testing, and treatment; Registered Nurses provide follow-up patient care and Ultrasound (RDMS). Technicians offer ultrasound exams to pregnant and often abortion-vulnerable young women.

  • Client Advocates

    Volunteer counselors are trained extensively in-house and provide crisis intervention and support services to clients and their familiars facing the difficulties of an unplanned pregnancy or a past abortion experience.

  • Church Liason

    These volunteers represent Solutions to their congregation and act as a liaison between Solutions and their church. They inform church members of upcoming events and communicate Solutions’ needs and prayer requests.

  • Building and Landscaping

    Volunteers provide hands-on help with building maintenance and special projects.

  • Event Committee Members

    These volunteers would help represent Solutions at events both for our organization and within the community.

  • Financial Partners

    Donors are needed to support the ministry regularly.

Ready to Serve?

Complete our volunteer interest form to get the process started. We appreciate your interest in serving with us!

More Ways You Can Get Involved